How to perform Umrah | Ultimate Umrah Guide


Umrah is a sacred journey to Mecca that can be travelled at any time of the year. "Hajj", in contrast, has specific dates according to the Islamic lunar calendar.

Umrah divides into four steps. 

 Firstly, you get changed into the Ihram garments. Secondly, you perform Tawaf al-Umrah of the Kaaba performed by two Rakahs of Salah, near Maqam Ibrahim. Thirdly, you follow Safa and Marwah of Sa’i. Lastly, you should do (Halq) to skip the condition of Ihram and complete Umrah.

Umrah Steps:

1 Ihram

2 Tawaf al-Umrah

3 Sa’i

4 Halq or Taqsir


Physical Purity

You should do Ghusl, a highly emphasised Sunnah for those intending to enter into a state of Ihram. If you can’t perform Ghusl, doing Wudhu will be compulsory. Men apply Attar to their heads on the Ihram garments. 

Ihram Garments

 Ihram garments are divided into two, for men white, clean unused pieces of cloth. 

The sheet spread around the waist covering the lower body is known as the Izar.

The sheet is cover the upper body and is called a shawl. 

Attire is compulsory for applying Ahram garments crossing the Miqat. Anyone like is travel to Saudi Arabia by plane, so it is advisable to get changed your Ihram at the airport.


A traveller of Umrah can late his/her intention until reaching the Miqat. There is only one condition, must wear your Ihram dress before crossing Miqat whether you are a woman or man. 

Women don't have to wear a specific dress code. Women need to wear dresses according to the Islamic code. They must uncover their faces and hands, although socks may be worn.

Note: If one of you is going to first Madinah instead of Makkah, then the condition of entering the state of Ihram is not essential. You will do so after your spending in Madinah.

Salah al-Ihram

It’s Sunnah to perform two Rakahs of Salah at the state of Ihram. This can be performed at the airport.   

 is recommended to recite Surah al-Kafirun (Surah 109) in the first Rakah and Surah al-Ikhlas (Surah 112) in the second, although other Surahs may be read. Don’t forget to make Dua after this Salah.


The Intention of Umrah ought to be made at the Miqat. Ideally, you should delay making the intention last.


Talbiyah is a Muslim prayer that expresses the belief of pilgrims that they

 intend to perform Hajj only for the glory of Allah.


This ritual of Umrah starts and ends on Hajre Aswad. Pilgrims revolve around the Kaaba seven times in a counterclockwise direction while Tawaf. After that, they offer two rakats of Nafls behind the Maqam e Ibrahim. 


The rite of Sa'i involves walking back and forth seven times between the two small hills of Safa and Marwa located in the Al-Haram Mosque.

Halaq or Taqsir

Taqsir refers to minor trimming of the hair which is applicable for both genders for leaving the state of Umrah. But Halq is only recommended for men, not for women. Ladies should only cut their hair equal to the length of their fingertips during Taqsir.

Umrah is a short pilgrimage which starts after wearing Ihram and ends after performing Halq/Taqsir. Both middle rituals (Tawaf and Sa'i) of Umrah are performed in Masjid Al-Haram. Every pilgrim must enter the state of Ihram before crossing Miqat. 


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